favorite lesson

Started as friends but it got kinda complicated

  • Started as friends but it got kinda complicated
  • You knew that you didn't want more
  • But you'd never say it out loud
  • But maybe I didn't read through all of your lying
  • We started as friends but we're just strangers tonight
  • And when I think about you it still hurts
  • My heart still has scars I need to learn
  • It was only temporary
  • But I guess our feelings were good for a while
  • Now you're just a memory
  • A story that I'll never tell
  • 'Cause our worlds just didn't collide
  • You had yours and I had mine
  • Got lost in different directions
  • But being with you was my favorite lesson
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Let's listen to my solo!

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2024-11-16 21:24 vivoV2026

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