Mother How Are You Today

Mother how are you today

  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is okay
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother don't worry I'm fine
  • Promise to see you this summer
  • This time there will be no delay
  • Mother how are you today
  • I found the man of my dreams
  • Next time you will get to know him
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is okay
  • Mother how are you today
  • Aaah aaah
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
Xem chi tiết bài hát
Yuk dengarkan duet kami!

45 5 1613

2024-12-22 21:05 samsungSM-A205F


Tổng: 3 3

Bình luận 5

  • DON ABAJAZZ_𝐃𝐑𝐣𝐚𝐳𝐳 2024-12-22 21:29

    Selalu jadi ibu yang mencintai dan dicintai keluarga.Selamat Hari Ibu🌹🌹👍👍

  • Katrin W.S 2024-12-22 22:35

    Slm Satu Jiwa 🙏🥰🙋‍♀️🇮🇩 Mlm sobatq mksh y dah blh gbng mlngkpi , sht2 brkh sll Oc Nice! 🎶🎧🎹🎤🎸🎻🍬💋☕☕👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • Katrin W.S 2024-12-22 22:47

    Mksh pkt Diamond'a , slm sht berkah slalu 🙏😊🇮🇩

  • M Raja Bastiansyah Okbara 2024-12-22 23:19


  • Irma Komalasari 2024-12-27 22:48

    😚😚😚😚mntaap😊👍 asik lg nya