Charade(Digitally Remastered 96)

When we played our charade

  • When we played our charade
  • We were like children posing
  • Playing at games acting out names
  • Guessing the parts we played
  • Oh what a hit we made
  • We came on next to closing
  • Best on the bill lovers until
  • Love left the masquerade
  • Fate seemed to pull the strings
  • I turned and you were gone
  • While from the darkened wings
  • The music box played on
  • Sad little serenade
  • Song of my hearts composing
  • I hear it still I always will
  • Best on the bill charade
  • Fate seemed to pull the strings
  • I turned and you were gone
  • While from the darkened wings
  • The music box played on and on
  • Sad little serenade
  • Song of my hearts composing
  • I hear it still I always will
  • Best on the bill charade
Semoga berkenan mba say Loez joint 🙏

20 4 1822

昨天 08:50 Redmi 9


累計: 1 100

評論 4

  • Dian Effendi 昨天 10:19

    yeeeeeyyyy.... pecah telor dahhh... asik... asik... 💃🕺💃🕺😘😘😘😍😍😍makasiiih sistaaahh, kereen joinannya 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻mantul 👏👏👏❤

  • Loesye 🤗✨DejaVu✨ 昨天 15:25

    Asyiiik... Loez mencoba aja mbak say... Ternyata wuenaaaaa' mba Dian 🙏❤

  • Loesye 🤗✨DejaVu✨ 昨天 15:29

    Terimakasih apresiasinya mba Dian sayaang... 🙏😍🤗⭐🎶⭐🎶⭐🎶⭐🎶⭐🎶⭐🎶

  • Dian Effendi 昨天 20:06

    naaahh... asik kan? klo aku denger lagunya enak, dan easy listening aku langsung coba bikin oc nya😁