Tetes Hujan Dibulan April (Digital)

Xem chi tiết bài hát
Let's listen to my solo!

33 4 1

2024-7-4 09:36 samsungSM-A145F


Tổng: 0 4

Bình luận 4

  • Ayu Gbr 2024-7-4 14:01

    💖💖🌹🥰🥰this is so beautiful. I tried to like it twice! Your song is so interesting! 💙

  • 😎Lie Rully😎 2024-7-6 22:19

    You have nice cool voice

  • Efry Tarigan 2024-7-7 14:15

    Thanks a lot for your sharing

  • May Hendra 2024-7-7 15:59

    Go for your next cover!