Simple Man

Where do butterflies go when it rains

  • Where do butterflies go when it rains
  • Who goes around tucks in the trains
  • What makes a teddy bear like to sleep
  • Why do we all make promises that we can't keep
  • Where do puppy dogs go when their sad
  • And what do elephants say when their mad
  • Who do you tell if you don't have a friend
  • Why do we open our mouths
  • And stick our foot in
  • These are the things that bother me
  • Not a lot of things across some sea
  • I don't even have a master plan
  • I guess that I am just
  • A simple man
  • Tell me
  • Where do robins sleep on the road
  • And how can a little ant carry that load
  • Why write words that we have to erase
  • Why does everyone have
  • Ahh more than one face
  • These are the things that bother me
  • Not a lot of things across some sea
  • I don't even have a master plan
  • I guess that I am just
  • A simple man
  • A simple man
  • Simple man
Lobo - Simple Man

26 0 2540

2024-11-30 23:20 Xiaomi23053RN02A


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