What Matters Most

It's not how long we held each other's hand

  • It's not how long we held each other's hand
  • What matters is how well we loved each other
  • It's not how far we travelled on our way
  • Of what we found to stay
  • It's not the spring you see but all the shades of green
  • It's not how long you held me in your arms
  • What matters is how sweet the years together
  • It's not how many summertimes we had to give to fall
  • The early morning smiles we cheerfully recall
  • What matters most is that we loved at all
  • It's not how many summertimes we had to give to fall
  • The early morning smiles we cheerfully recall
  • What matters most is that we loved at all
  • What matters most is that we loved at all
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2024-10-29 22:33


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