I Got A Crush On You

How glad the many millions of Annabelles and Lillians

  • How glad the many millions of Annabelles and Lillians
  • Would be to capture me
  • But you had such persistence
  • You wore down my resistance
  • I fell and it was swell
  • I'm your big and brave and handsome Romeo
  • How I won you I shall never never know
  • It's not that you're attractive
  • But oh my heart grew active
  • When you came into view
  • I've got a crush on you sweetie pie
  • All the day and night time give me sigh
Xem chi tiết bài hát
Come to join my duet!

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2023-6-17 21:02 vivo 1713


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Bình luận 2

  • Ratnaa Latoranaa 2023-6-24 21:04

    💗 OMG… Cool. i love it 👩‍🎤👩‍🎤🤟

  • shasha 2023-6-24 22:33

    Since I discover you, I became your new fan