Nearer Still Nearer

Nearer still nearer close to thy heart

  • Nearer still nearer close to thy heart
  • Draw me my Savior so precious thou art
  • Fold me oh fold me close to thy breast
  • Shelter me safe in that haven of rest
  • Shelter me safe in that haven of rest
  • Nearer still nearer nothing I bring
  • Naught as an offering to Jesus my King
  • Only my sinful now contrite heart
  • Grant me the cleansing thy blood doth impart
  • Grant me the cleansing thy blood doth impart
  • Nearer still nearer Lord to be thine
  • Sin with it's follies I gladly resign
  • All of it's pleasures pomp and it's pride
  • Give me but Jesus my Lord crucified
  • Give me but Jesus my Lord crucified
  • Nearer still nearer while life shall last
  • Till safe in glory my anchor is cast
  • Through endless ages ever to be
  • Nearer my Savior still nearer to thee
  • Nearer my Savior still nearer to thee
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Yuk duet bareng aku!

49 3 918

2023-3-11 01:24 Redmi Note 8

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Komentar 3

  • fredy s. 2023-3-11 01:28

    ayiikkk kerrrenn abiis mantull tiada dua pujian nya mmih Ari 🙏👍👍👍👍🙏🌟💯💯💯👌

  • fredy s. 2023-3-11 01:28

    insyalloh JK boleh sy join yah mmih Ari 👍🙏

  • 💋💋 EGA 💋💋 2023-3-16 14:36

    seperti biasa nya merduuu 🙏👍🥰❤💃