San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)

If you're going to san francisco

  • If you're going to san francisco
  • Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
  • If you're going to san francisco
  • You're gonna meet some gentle people there
  • For those who come to san francisco
  • Summertime will be a love in there
  • In the streets of san francisco
  • Gentle people with flowers in their hair
  • All across the nation such a strange vibration
  • People in motion
  • There's a whole generation with a new explanation
  • People in motion people in motion
  • For those who come to san francisco
  • Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
  • If you come to san francisco
  • Summertime will be a love in there
  • If you come to san francisco
  • Summertime will be a love in there
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