Sexual Man Chocolate

I'm searching for the meaning

  • I'm searching for the meaning
  • You said you'd be my everything
  • I guess your words mean nothing
  • So go and prove your loyalty
  • Go ahead and bury me deep down inside
  • Change that longing in your heart
  • Hold that thought, just for a moment
  • Let your heart feel numb
  • Now I see that this is what you mean
  • When you said you'd be my everything
  • So go and prove your loyalty
  • This is what you are
  • You'll never take this
  • This is what you'll get
  • The separation
  • This is who i am
  • You'll never change me
  • Loyalty
  • Now I see that this is what you mean
  • When you said you'd be my everything
  • Now I see that this is what you mean
  • When you said you'd be my everything
  • So go and prove your loyalty
  • Now I see that this is what you mean
  • When you said you'd be my everything
  • So go and prove your loyalty
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2022-8-28 22:53 realmeRMX2101


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