
You fool I am fooler ya fool

  • You fool I am fooler ya fool
  • Once there was evil
  • Deeper than any hell
  • Once there was a chock
  • Fill me such of ill
  • That was the boss of you
  • And you can fill me in
  • You're not the only one
  • You can kill me now or not
  • Once there was evil
  • Deeper than any hell
  • Once there was a chock
  • Fill me such of ill
  • That was the boss of you
  • And you can fill me in
  • You're not the only one
  • You can kill me now or not
  • Once there was evil
  • Once there was a chock
  • Once there you be flick
  • Once there that's all you
  • Can you cut my liver
  • Can you cut my ganglion
  • Can you cut my liver
  • You fool I'm fool we are the fool
  • Can you cut my liver
  • Can you cut my ganglion
  • Can you cut my liver
  • You fool I'm fool we are the fool
  • Once there was evil
  • Once there was a chock
  • Once there you be flick
  • Once there that's all you
  • Can you cut my liver
  • Can you cut my ganglion
  • Can you cut my liver
  • You fool I'm fool we are the fool
  • Can you cut my liver
  • Can you cut my ganglion
  • Can you cut my liver
  • You fool I'm fool we are the fool
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Saaaikkk makin Kereeennn 💃💃💃💃💃🇬🇭🇯🇲🇬🇭🇯🇲, kacau dirimu maa bupik wuhhhh

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2024-8-24 13:06


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