
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey

  • In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey
  • Butane in my veins so I'm out to get the junkie
  • With the plastic eyeballs spraypaint the vegetables
  • Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose
  • Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
  • Stockcar flaming with a loser in the cruise control
  • Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
  • Got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat
  • Someone came sayin' I'm a saint
  • To complain about
  • A shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
  • Don't believe everything that you breathe
  • You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
  • So shave your face with some mace in the dark
  • Saving all your food stamps for burning down the trailer park
  • Yo cut it
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Double barrel buckshot
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Forces of evil on a bozo nightmare
  • Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber
  • Cause one's got a weasel and others got a flag
  • One's on the pole shove the other in the bag
  • With the rerun shows and cocaine nose job
  • The daytime crap of the folk singers slop
  • He hung himself with a guitar string
  • A slab of turkey neck and it's hangin' from a pigeon wing
  • I can't write if ya' can't relate
  • Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
  • And my time is a piece of wax fallen on a termite
  • Who's chokin' on the splinters
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Get crazy with the cheez-wiz
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Drive by body pierce
  • Yo bring it on down
  • Soy
  • I'm a driver I'm a winner
  • Things are gonna' change I can feel it
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • I can't believe it
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • Sprechen sie deutsch baby
  • Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me
  • You know what I'm sayin'
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Come to join my duet!

63 14 726

2024-3-24 18:02 samsungSM-A528B


Total: 0 3

Comments 14

  • kim rayyean 2024-3-30 22:22

    so much love for your songs

  • Cikmanis Manis 2024-4-1 22:08


  • Hana 2024-4-1 22:36

    My goodness... you've got the voice of an Angel

  • Blue401 2024-4-17 17:28

    lhaa... 😛😛 kt'y duet, tp koq yg lain ikutan jg Kay.. ? 🤣🤣

  • ƙ♬ƴɭ♬ ɭ០❡♬⩎ 2024-4-17 19:42

    bhwakakakaka at least temen yg gw bawa buat bantuin, suaranya ngga gengges dibandingin temen loe

  • Blue401 2024-4-17 20:04

    iya siih... cm skrg mslh'y suara lepas jakun lu yg gengges.. 🤭🤭🙏🙏

  • ƙ♬ƴɭ♬ ɭ០❡♬⩎ 2024-4-17 21:19

    hah ? itu bukannya malah pake jakun ? gw kl lepas jakun bisa kyk cewe tulen nyiahahahaahahah

  • Blue401 2024-4-17 21:36

    ooh iyeeeew...salah ngomong gw, tebalik.. 🙏🙏😂😂 saking nafsu'y mo bls dendam, jd salah deeh.. 🤣🤣 untung Lo baek, mo ngingetin.. 😛

  • ƙ♬ƴɭ♬ ɭ០❡♬⩎ 2024-4-17 21:37

    lho gw kan emang baek. makanya gw ngga ngerti kenapa loe bisa2nya mau bales dendam ke gw #mukepolos

  • Blue401 2024-4-18 03:57

    muka sih bole polos, tp jail'y jg boros.. 😅😅