对酒 当歌 不胜 酒力
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939 82 784
2021-3-5 00:03 iPhone 8 Plus
I feel relax everytime I'm listening your songs
💗 LOL… Looks cool
Can't wait to listen to more of your covers
😚oh dear… 🎉🤗😘🤟
💃💗 🕶️loooool. 👍👏
seriously better than the original version
🎹 💕 to see such a beautiful song!"
This one definitively deserves more supports
💖💖💖💋💗💗💗Nice! Keep it up :)
this is my favorite song
Saya Anko ,I'm waiting for you on WeSing, download and compete with me now!
Komen 82
I feel relax everytime I'm listening your songs
💗 LOL… Looks cool
Can't wait to listen to more of your covers
😚oh dear… 🎉🤗😘🤟
💃💗 🕶️loooool. 👍👏
seriously better than the original version
🎹 💕 to see such a beautiful song!"
This one definitively deserves more supports
💖💖💖💋💗💗💗Nice! Keep it up :)
this is my favorite song