From the Dining Table

Woke up alone in this hotel room

  • Woke up alone in this hotel room
  • Played with myself where were you
  • Fell back to sleep I got drunk by noon
  • I've never felt less cool
  • We haven't spoke since you went away
  • Comfortable silence is so overrated
  • Why won't you ever be the first to break
  • Even the phone misses your call by the way
  • I saw your friend that you know from work
  • He said you feel just fine
  • I see you gave him my old t-shirt
  • More of what was once mine
  • I see your grin it's all over his face
  • Comfortable silence is so overrated
  • Why won't you ever say what you want to say
  • Even my phone misses your call by the way
  • Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too
  • Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too
  • Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too
  • But you you never do
  • Woke up the girl who looked just like you
  • I almost said your name
  • We haven't spoke since you went away
  • Comfortable silence is so overrated
  • Why won't you ever say what you want to say
  • Even my phone misses your call
  • We haven't spoke since you went away
  • Comfortable silence is so overrated
  • Why won't you ever say what you want to say
  • Even my phone misses your call by the way
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2020-8-25 17:57


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