Happy Birthday Dear Heartache

It's just a year today

  • It's just a year today
  • One year since he went away
  • So happy birthday dear heartache
  • You're one year old today
  • There'll be the cake tonight
  • One candle I'm gonna light
  • So happy birthday dear heartache
  • Old love still burns tonight
  • When he walked out I felt my heart break
  • That's when you came to me dear heartache
  • You made my heart your home
  • Now look how big you've grown
  • Looks like each guest is here
  • The blues the memories and the tears
  • So happy birthday dear heartache
  • Same time same place next year
  • So happy birthday dear heartache
  • Same time same place next year
Lihat rincian lagu
i year n pala...... 😭

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2024-11-30 04:23 HUAWEIART-L28

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