Somewhere Between

Somewhere between your heart and mine

  • Somewhere between your heart and mine
  • There's a window that I can't see through
  • There's a wall so high it reaches the sky
  • Somewhere between me and you
  • I love you so much I can't let you go
  • And sometimes I believe you love me
  • But somewhere between your heart and mine
  • There's a door without any key
  • Somewhere between your heart and mine
  • There's a window that I can't see through
  • There's a wall so high it reaches the sky
  • Somewhere between me and you
  • Somewhere between your heart and mine
  • There's a love I can't understand
  • It's there for a while then it
  • Fades like a smile
  • And I'm left in the middle again
  • Somewhere between your heart and mine
  • There's a window that I can't see through
  • There's a wall so high it reaches the sky
  • Somewhere between me and you
  • Somewhere between me and you
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Yuk dengarkan aku nyanyi solo!

30 3 1991

2021-12-15 22:06 XiaomiM2010J19CG


Total: 0 102

Comments 3

  • Cahyo 2021-12-16 10:03

    mantap suara kamu

  • Hadi Siswoyo 2021-12-16 20:21

    makasih udh mmpir kak... amburadul kak...

  • Akbar tanjung 2021-12-26 14:34

    😍😍🎸 Hai... kok kayak kenal ya suaranya 💕 🎉 💛