
Someday rested from hours of sleeping

  • Someday rested from hours of sleeping
  • We'll stay safely behind what we're keeping
  • You'll seem warmer than I had remembered you
  • Lying so close I'll be able to feel you breathe
  • I could never leave
  • One day when I am able to love you
  • I'll come back from wherever I've been to
  • I'll see you looking the same as you always have
  • Lovely so lovely I'll cling to the love you give
  • So I'll start to live
  • Someday is coming
  • If I believe it
  • Someday always brings the good life you knew
  • Ever back to you
  • How I need you
  • Someday all I can give you is someday
  • Someday all I can offer is someday
  • Please say that you'll be waiting when someday comes
  • Promise me this and a kiss to keep what you are
  • Always close to me
  • How I need you
  • Someday all I can give you is someday
  • Someday all I can offer is someday
  • Please say that you'll be waiting when someday comes
  • Promise me this and a kiss to keep what you are
  • Always close to me someday
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2024-1-4 13:50 OPPOCPH2159


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