Through The Years

I can't remember when you weren't there

  • I can't remember when you weren't there
  • When I didn't care for anyone but you
  • I swear we've been through everything there is
  • Can't imagine anything we've missed
  • Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do
  • Through the yearsyou've never let me down
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Let's hear it!

62 4 412

2020-7-24 14:48

Tangga lagu hadiah

Total: 0 3

Komentar 4

  • Renee 2020-7-24 16:51

    Expecting your next cover!

  • Doris 2020-8-1 22:18

    this is my favorite song

  • Jean 2020-8-4 22:15

    I would love to hear your next cover

  • Raymond Meynet 2022-9-26 00:41
