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2018-7-15 00:54 红米4X
KREEn ceecee
klau kren di join yaa koko
gk taw lgunyaa bljrr dluu nee cecee
hahaha msak sih gak tau lgu nih trknal bngt pda thunny ko sblm cece lhir
cantik mirip bidadari
I am Anko ,I'm waiting for you on WeSing, download and compete with me now!
Comments 7
KREEn ceecee![](
klau kren di join yaa koko![](
gk taw lgunyaa bljrr dluu nee cecee![](
hahaha msak sih gak tau lgu nih trknal bngt pda thunny ko sblm cece lhir![](
cantik mirip bidadari