Remember when we first met
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145 25 4055
2020-11-10 22:04 vivo 1904
abis bungaku
gapapa ka 😂 aku ngepost cuman buat ngosongin yg ada di local rec aja koq mumpung lg buka ws 🙈
makasi udah mampir yak ka leo 🙌🏻🤣
great voice 👍
very nice collaboration!💕 sorry chingu, I'm out of k-coins rn :3
sek tak nyanyi a thousand years ben iso nunggu 1000 taon 🤧🤣
so nice!
love it!
Saya Anko ,I'm waiting for you on WeSing, download and compete with me now!
Komen 25
abis bungaku
gapapa ka 😂 aku ngepost cuman buat ngosongin yg ada di local rec aja koq mumpung lg buka ws 🙈
makasi udah mampir yak ka leo 🙌🏻🤣
great voice 👍
very nice collaboration!💕 sorry chingu, I'm out of k-coins rn :3
sek tak nyanyi a thousand years ben iso nunggu 1000 taon 🤧🤣
so nice!
love it!