
I used to shut my door while

  • I used to shut my door while
  • My mother screamed in the kitchen
  • I'd turn the music up get high
  • And try not to listen to every little fight
  • 'Cause neither one was right
  • I swore I'd never be like them
  • But I was just a kid back then
  • The older I get the more that I see
  • My parents aren't heroes they're just like me
  • And loving is hard it don't always work
  • You just try your best not to get hurt
  • I used to be mad but now I know
  • Sometimes it's better to let someone go
  • It just hadn't hit me yet
  • The older I get
  • I used to wonder why why
Xem chi tiết bài hát
spweey if its short i tryy my best but my voice struggle alot

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2020-7-24 18:21


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