Exchange Of Heart

One sided love broke the seaside down

  • One sided love broke the seaside down
  • And I took it rough when I hit the ground
  • That you went your way and I went half wild
  • But girl you'ld understand if your heart was mine
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • Then you'ld know why I fell apart
  • You'd feel the pain
  • When the memories start
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • I'd never wish a lonely heart ungood
  • It's not your fault I chose to play the fool
  • One day may come when you'll be in my shoes
  • That your heart will break and you'll feel just like I do
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • Then you'ld know why I fell apart
  • You'ld feel the pain
  • When the memories start
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • Oh time turns the tables and soon I'll be able
  • To find a new romance
  • And if you'll remember my love warm and tender
  • Too late for a second chance
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • Then you'd know why I fell apart
  • You'd feel the pain
  • When the memories start
  • If we had an exchange of heart
  • If we had an exchange of heart
Let's hear it!

126 12 1

2020-7-25 18:11


累計: 0 33

評論 12

  • Edi Usman 2021-4-23 00:21

    wow keren banget suara Nona sangat merdu lagu barat lagi👍👍🗣️🗣️🎤🔊🔊🎼🎧🎧💯💯😍😍😍😍😍😍💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

  • Edi Usman 2021-4-23 00:22

    marilah kita saling dukung 1 sama dengan yang lain nya 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Edi Usman 2021-4-23 00:22

    salam hangat kenal kompak sejahtera selalu sahabat wesing kami semua

  • Edi Usman 2021-4-23 00:23

    kami sangat cinta pada kalian semua sahabat wesing 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

  • Jhonson Antonius Marully 2021-6-22 21:28

    mantul...... aku suka ini...

  • 🥰❤️GITA GO😘😘😘 2021-11-26 15:37


  • Adinda Rateh ratna 2022-6-24 15:15

    siip mbk😊

  • ASIKS 2022-12-23 20:56


  • Fahri 2023-7-28 21:04

    jempol buat kmu ..👍👍👍

  • Jerry Turambi 2023-8-1 21:27
