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32 6 1
2018-6-1 00:02 vivo Y22
aikk nak raya dah errkk
mesti lah..huhu..mood raya
yeyyyyy nakkkk rayaaa dahhhh besttt nyerr suasana hari ryaaa bju rya brpa psngg😂😂😂😂😂
hehe.. ada 2 psg..mai la join duet
hehe... esok iroo join erhhiroo pkai bju rya lma jer thun ni tk bli hihi
owh.. xpe, jdi lah..brbaju jgn x brbju pula g raya.. nti org lari pula
I am Anko ,I'm waiting for you on WeSing, download and compete with me now!
Comments 6
aikk nak raya dah errkk
mesti lah..huhu..mood raya
yeyyyyy nakkkk rayaaa dahhhh![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e102.gif?max_age=31104000000)
besttt nyerr suasana hari ryaaa bju rya brpa psngg😂😂😂😂😂![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e102.gif?max_age=31104000000)
hehe.. ada 2 psg..![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e106.gif?max_age=31104000000)
mai la join duet
hehe... esok iroo join erhh![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e113.gif?max_age=31104000000)
iroo pkai bju rya lma jer thun ni tk bli hihi![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e113.gif?max_age=31104000000)
owh.. xpe, jdi lah..brbaju jgn x brbju pula g raya.. nti org lari pula![](https://kg.qq.com/em/e120.gif?max_age=31104000000)