Create In Me A Clean Heart (Psalm 51)

Create in me a clean heart oooh god and renew a right spirit within me

  • Create in me a clean heart oooh god and renew a right spirit within me
  • Create in me a clean heart oooh god and renew a right spirit within me
  • Cast me not away from thy presence so lord
  • And take not thy holy spirit from me
  • Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation
  • And renew a right spirit within me
  • Create in me a clean heart oooh god and renew a right spirit within me
  • Create in me a clean heart oooh god and renew a right spirit within me
  • Cast me not away from thy presence so lord
  • And take not thy holy spirit from me
  • Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation
  • And renew a right spirit within me
  • Cast me not away from thy presence so lord
  • And take not thy holy spirit from me
  • Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation
  • And renew a right spirit within me
  • And renew a right spirit within me
  • Yeah yeah
  • And renew a right spirit within me
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2020-7-26 17:42


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