My Hero

You were always unselfish and sacrificed

  • You were always unselfish and sacrificed
  • Everything you risked to change life
  • Even when there was darkness
  • You broke the shackles and brought light
  • You called everyone to believe in Allah
  • Oh Muhammad
  • You are my you are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
  • It's the way that you smiled with serenity
  • And how you forgave all your enemies
  • I will always hold your love
  • And all your teaching in my heart
  • You called everyone to believe in Allah
  • Oh Muhammad
  • You are my you are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
  • You are my hero
  • And I'll keep you safe in my heart
  • You are my hero
  • Till the end and from the very start
  • You are my hero
  • And you'll always be the best part
  • Of every single day
  • I will follow you
  • You are my hero
  • And I'll keep you safe in my heart
  • You are my hero
  • Till the end and from the very start
  • You are my hero
  • And you'll always be the best part
  • Of every single day
  • I will follow you
  • Hero you're my hero
  • Hero you're my hero
  • You are my you are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • You are my hero
  • Always my hero
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2020-7-23 16:12


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