
Dear but my eyes will see only you

  • Dear but my eyes will see only you
  • Only you have that magic technique
  • When we sway I go weak
  • I can hear the sounds of violins
  • Long before it begins
  • Make me thrill as only you know how
  • Sway me smooth sway me now
  • Other dancers may be on the floor
  • Dear but my eyes will see only you
  • Only you have that magic technique
  • When we sway I go weak
  • I can hear the sounds of violins
  • Long before it begins
  • Make me thrill as only you know how
  • Sway me smooth sway me now
Lihat rincian lagu
Come to join my duet!

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2023-7-16 10:40 RealmeRMX1941

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