Imagine(Ultimate Mix)

Imagine there's no heaven

  • Imagine there's no heaven
  • It's easy if you try
  • No hell below us
  • Above us only sky
  • Imagine all the people living for today
  • Imagine there's no countries
  • It isn't hard to do
  • Nothing to kill or die for
  • And no religion too
  • Imagine all the people living life in peace
  • Yupuo
  • You may say I'm a dreamer
  • But I'm not the only one
  • I hope someday you'll join us
  • And the world will be as one
  • Imagine no possessions
  • I wonder if you can
  • No need for greed or hunger
  • A brotherhood of man
  • Imagine all the people sharing all the world
  • Yupuo
  • You may say I'm a dreamer
  • But I'm not the only one
  • I hope someday you'll join us
  • And the world will live as one

1696 194 1

2020-10-17 18:12 小米Max


累計: 0 268

評論 194

  • Kharisma Septia 2-22 15:28

    💘 👏mantep suaranya kax.. 👏

  • Rehan Sdsl 2-27 17:37

    asyikkkk Keren 💖

  • Sindy Vires 3-14 16:02

    Keren kk 👌👌 Semangat terus ya semua nya.. jgn lupa selalu sehat dan happy✌😎🙏 🎺 💗💗💗💪

  • Irvan Evendy 3-14 22:45

    😍😍kerennnnn bg 👍👍👍👍👍👍 enak sekali suaramuuuu 😍👨‍🎤

  • sudar 3-19 18:13

    🎤 yuk gabung 💙 🎷

  • evequartina 3-22 16:48

    kerennnn👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 y kak sm2 💖 🥰🥰

  • dika 3-22 18:12

    😘💜 😁Perfect 👍👍👍👍👍🌷🌹🌷🌹🌷 😃🤘

  • Riezky Stewart 3-23 11:03


  • Gibran Al Ammar 3-25 20:06

    🎸 Kereeen..👍🏼👍🏼👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊

  • Aris Priansiska 昨天 18:58

    😎🎸 💞 👨‍🎤💓