You Are My Sunshine

The other night dear as I lay sleeping

  • The other night dear as I lay sleeping
  • I dreamed I held you in my arms
  • When I awoke dear I was mistaken
  • So I hung my head and I cried
  • You are my sunshine my only sunshine
  • You make me happy when skies are grey
  • You'll never know dear how much I love you
  • Please don't take my sunshine away
  • I'll always love you and make you happy
  • And nothing else could come between
  • But if you leave me to love another
  • You'll have shattered all of my dreams
  • You are my sunshine my only sunshine
  • You make me happy when skies are grey
  • You'll never know dear how much I love you
  • Please don't take my sunshine away
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A special duet with my son. You are and will always be my sunshine - you never fail to bring a smile on my lips and my life. Love you son💖

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2020-8-15 01:14 HUAWEIMHA-L29

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