Mother How Are You Today

Mother how are you today

  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is ok
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother don't worry I'm fine
  • Promise to see you this summer
  • This time there will be no delay
  • Mother how are you today
  • I found the man of my dreams
  • Next time you will get to know him
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is ok
  • Mother how are you today
  • Ah
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
Selamat ulang tahun ibu...smg berkah usianya..sll sehat & bahagia dunia akhirat...this song just 4 you

222 2 1923

2020-9-6 06:52 HMD GlobalNokia 2.2


累計: 0 9

評論 2

  • Cinta Padamu 2020-9-7 00:15

    wasyeekkkkk💃💃💃💃💃👏👏👏👍👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹🤗 💕 🎉

  • lesta 2020-12-18 11:54

    cakep abis