Mother How Are You Today

Mother how are you today

  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is ok
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother don't worry I'm fine
  • Promise to see you this summer
  • This time there will be no delay
  • Mother how are you today
  • I found the man of my dreams
  • Next time you will get to know him
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
  • Here is a note from your daughter
  • With me everything is ok
  • Mother how are you today
  • Ah
  • Many things happened while I was away
  • Mother how are you today
  • Mother how are you today
Lihat rincian lagu

10 3 1898

Kemarin 07:30 XiaomiM2006C3LG

Tangga lagu hadiah

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Komentar 3

  • Rika Umami Kemarin 07:53

    join lagu aku dong

  • 𝕾.𝕽𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖑𝓒𝓞.𝕷𝕯𝕽'D'Harmony Kemarin 08:20

     🇰 🇪 🇷 🇪 🇳 ⊂🌹   \\ Λ_Λ    \( ˘x˘ )     > ⌒ヽ    / 💞へ\    /  /  \\    レ ノ   🌹つ   / /   / /|  ( (ヽ  | |、\  | 丿 \ ⌒)  | |  ) /

  • 🥨 Toples Kemarin 09:02

    Mantul kawan... sukses ya..🎙🎶👍👍