Lebih Dari Selamanya

belajar duet sama adek dipm,,harap maklum suara kmi🙏

727 69 1

2020-9-9 23:24 OPPOCPH1909


累计: 0 88

评论 69

  • Nur Hayati 2022-5-24 13:44

    🤘💗💗💗mntap keren babe asikk bgus suaranya babe kok👍👍☝

  • Yulis Amay 2022-5-24 22:08

    enak tenan

  • Ainul Fauziyah 2022-5-30 14:45

    i have no any idea about the idonesian song but this one is so good to listen🥰🥰🥰you sung the song beautifully👏👏👏💐💐💐i love it🥰🥰👍 😄😁🥁

  • Iin Indrawati 2022-6-14 16:10

    🎼 mantul 💪💪💪💪👌👌👌👌 👍🧑‍🎤😘

  • Putrie Tunggal 2022-6-14 17:51

    OMG! suaranya

  • Yan 2022-6-25 21:29

    luar biasa

  • Arzhul Fingerstyle 2022-6-27 11:53


  • Gyfan 2022-6-30 11:37

    selalu support!

  • Aji Sukmono 2022-6-30 21:16


  • shyfa 2022-7-8 17:42

    coverin lagu terus yah! cemungut