Why does the sun go on shining
131 9 1439
2020-8-30 21:11 OPPOCPH1909
thankz Sheen😄
This is my favorite song. You have a good taste
🥰🥰😜😜😜💙 Hi. 😄
My goodness... you've got the voice of an Angel
keep making covers please
This one definitively deserves more supports
i went to this app to feel relax by singing only.To be fair i won't be joining any.Please understand,i only wish to hear my songs
thank u somuch
我是 安子 ,我在WeSing等你哦,快来下载WeSing一起玩吧!
评论 9
thankz Sheen😄
This is my favorite song. You have a good taste
🥰🥰😜😜😜💙 Hi. 😄
My goodness... you've got the voice of an Angel
keep making covers please
This one definitively deserves more supports
i went to this app to feel relax by singing only.To be fair i won't be joining any.Please understand,i only wish to hear my songs
thank u somuch