Beautiful Girl

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Let's listen to our duet!

62 5 1

1-4 21:48 vivoV2205


Tổng: 2 303

Bình luận 5

  • Cum@ 🅿️3ng3mb@r@ 1-4 21:56

    Trm ksh ya Nona🙏... beautiful joinnya👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼💯🎶🎧😊

  • mei 1-6 06:13

    Aseeeek aseeek aseeek dgn Marlyn dan Bang CP 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

  • Fahri Ahmad Putra Riyadi 1-10 14:43

    I always sing this song before. I'm planning to make a cover of this song too

  • Ina La Momo 1-15 22:12


  • Fitria nuraini 1-15 22:46

    wow! this is amazing! great song! so creative! 🕶️