Hit songCrying Time
30 246
Feliz Navidad
6 30
White Christmas
26 81
Kereta Senja
12 105
Don't say goodbye
6 74
Senja Di Kaimana
30 117
Wise Men Say
4 38
Blue Christmas
7 37
Tidak ada album
Silakan menggunggah pengiring dulu
One Way Wind
5 36 3
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow
5 30 5
Ada Satu Sobatku
10 37 1
Don't Forget Me(Remastered 1988)
9 56 2
Tiap Langkahku
6 27 2
Send Me The Pillow That You Dream O
4 40 2
Bunga Kasih
3 43 3
Pengikut 589
Ikuti 2477