You're My Best Friend

You placed gold on my finger

  • You placed gold on my finger
  • You brought love
  • Like I've never known
  • You gave life to our children
  • And to me a reason to go on
  • You're my bread when I'm hungry
  • You're my shelter from troubled winds
  • You're my anchor in life's ocean
  • But most of all you're my best friend
  • When I need hope and inspiration
  • You're always strong
  • When I'm tired and weak
  • I could search this whole world over
  • You'd still be everything that I need
  • You're my bread when I'm hungry
  • You're my shelter from troubled winds
  • You're my anchor in life's ocean
  • But most of all you're my best friend
  • You're my bread when I'm hungry
  • You're my shelter from troubled winds
  • You're my anchor in life's ocean
  • But most of all you're my best friend
Let's listen to my solo!

78 5 2008

2024-6-24 22:04 iPhone 13 Pro Max


累計: 4 219

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