Close to You

Why do birds suddenly appear

  • Why do birds suddenly appear
  • Every time you are near
  • Just like me they long to be
  • Close to you
  • Why do stars fall down from the sky
  • Every time you walk by
  • Just like me they long to be
  • Close to you
  • On the day that you were born the angels got together
  • And decided to create a dream come true
  • So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
  • And starlight in your eyes of blue
  • That is why all the girls in town
  • Follow you all around
  • Just like me they long to be
  • Close to you
  • On the day that you were born the angels got together
  • And decided to create a dream come true
  • So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
  • And starlight in your eyes of blue
  • That is why all the girls in town
  • Follow you all around
  • Just like me they long to be
  • Close to you
  • Just like me they long to be
  • Close to you
  • I close to you
  • I close to you
  • I close to you
  • I close to you
Yuk dengarkan aku nyanyi solo!

22 5 2686

2024-3-2 14:37 vivoV2201


累计: 0 4

评论 5

  • Andre Pratama 2024-3-6 22:17

    suara kamu bisa mengobati hati

  • Maslin 08 2024-3-6 22:45

    waooww..kerreenn2 😁terbaek💯🎤🎤🎧🎧👍👏👏👏👌👌👍👍👍🎶🌹🌹🌹🌟🌟🌟best🌟🌟🌟Tq shbtku Ats join terbaeknya 🙏🙏🙏 😊😊😊💛 💓

  • James Ramos 2024-3-9 22:27

    lagunya pas banget

  • dhixx 86 2024-3-9 22:54

    good deh

  • Ipey Estilo 2024-3-11 15:40

    🎉 🌹🌹mngkin aliran aku kesini 😊 blm blajar yg lain.. 🎻 🎺 💛