Close To The Sun

Let's sing a song full of hope full of pain

  • Let's sing a song full of hope full of pain
  • Why don't you sing along my friend for it's our last refrain
  • Forever young ever strong ever brave
  • Memories like this never end no they don't fade away
  • So when I'm gone oh when I'm gone
  • I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
  • Keep holdin' on keep holdin' on
  • And I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
  • Here's to the one to let shine through the rain
  • The ones who stood for something more we won't forget your names
  • The tide is high say goodbye or set it sail
  • And all those midnight secrets told we'll take them to the graves
  • So when I'm gone oh when I'm gone
  • I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Keep holdin' on keep holdin' on
  • And I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
  • So when I'm gone oh when I'm gone
  • I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Keep holdin' on keep holdin' on
  • And I'll be right there close to the sun
  • Close to the sun
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2020-12-20 22:21 SM-J320G

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