Once Upon A Dream

Once Upon a Dream

  • Once Upon a Dream
  • Aurora:
  • I know you I walked with you once upon a dream
  • I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
  • Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
  • But if I know you I know what you do
  • You love me at once the way you did once upon a dream
  • lalala lalala
  • But if I know you I know what you do
  • You love me at once
  • Prince Phillip:
  • The way you did once upon a dream
  • I know you I walked with you once upon a dream
  • I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
  • Chorus:
  • And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
  • But if I know you I know what you do
  • You love me at once the way you did once upon a dream
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Once Upon A Dream is is an audio solo sung by JAMSAYV in WeSing..🇵🇭🎼🎶🎵🎶🎵💐🌹🏵️🌼🌺

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