Some Enchanted Evening(Remastered)

Some enchanted evening

  • Some enchanted evening
  • You may see a stranger
  • You may see a stranger across a crowded room
  • And somehow you know
  • You know even then
  • That somewhere you'll see her again and again
  • Some enchanted evening someone may be laughing
  • You may hear her laughing across a crowded room
  • And night after night as strange as it seems
  • The sound of her laughter will sing in your dreams
  • Who can explain it who can tell you why
  • Fools give you reasons wise men never try
  • Some enchanted evening when you find your true love
  • When you feel her call you across a crowded room
  • Then fly to her side and make her your own
  • Or all through your life you may dream all alone
  • Once you have found her never let her go
  • Once you have found her never let her go
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Let's listen to our duet!

25 3 1744

2024-8-19 08:44 GooglePixel 4a

Tangga lagu hadiah

Total: 1 104

Komentar 3

  • Betty ah poh tan 2024-8-19 09:44

    Tqsm my dear Bella for joining me. Beautiful voice. Love it. Bravo my dear.

  • Pakcik Janggut 2024-8-23 14:39

    😜😜😜❤ 😆Woww !!! loving the song ✨🎸 👨‍🎤

  • Ruhana Zakaria 2024-8-23 15:47

    I really love your voice. I feel i can relax listening to your songs. Keep on singing pls