
You're in my head I don't know why

  • You're in my head I don't know why
  • I said tonight I'd go to sleep at a reasonable time
  • Remind myself you're not the guy to pick just one
  • Así que dime lo que quieres lo que prefieres
  • You know if you'd prefer it I can leave you be
  • I'm questioning your motives wonder what you're wanting
  • Why are you being so kind to me
  • I don't know how to keep you interested
  • I swear I'm not even that interesting
  • You say I ought to give myself
  • Some more credit but I said it
  • Now I'm worried that it's in your head
  • I don't know how to keep you interested
  • En verdad no soy interesante
  • Surely there's someone more exciting
  • A little more inviting somewhere in your contacts
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Let's listen to my solo!

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2023-12-5 00:17 iPhone 13 Pro

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