Morning Has Broken

Morning has broken like the first morning

  • Morning has broken like the first morning
  • Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
  • Praise for the singing praise for the morning
  • Praise for them springing fresh from the Word
  • Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from Heaven
  • Like the first dew fall on the first grass
  • Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden
  • Sprung in completeness where His feet pass
  • Mine is the sunlight mine is the morning
  • Born of the One Light Eden saw play
  • Praise with elation praise every morning
  • God's recreation of the new day
  • Morning has broken like the first morning
  • Blackbird has spoken like the first bird
  • Praise for the singing praise for the morning
  • Praise for them springing fresh from the Word
Yuk dengarkan duet kami!

35 8 2594

2021-4-7 21:19 OPPOCPH2083


累計: 0 17

評論 8

  • Hendra kusuma 2021-4-7 21:21

    thanks mawar merahnya dek yayuk

  • Yayuk1369 2021-4-7 21:23

    keren abang ku Mksih abng ku udh hadir kembali, ap kbr bng, udh lma nggk muncul di WS 👍👍🌷🌷

  • Yayuk1369 2021-4-7 21:25

    sama2 bng hendra, salm buat kak Mila bng 🙏🙏

  • Hendra kusuma 2021-4-7 21:26

    Khabar Baek adikku.....agak ada sedikit sibuk dek yuk

  • Yayuk1369 2021-4-7 21:30

    gpp bng, bnyk kerjaan kh

  • Hendra kusuma 2021-4-7 21:43

    lumayanlah.buat beli beras

  • Yayuk1369 2021-4-7 21:45


  • Angga Sanjaya 2021-4-14 22:55

    🎺 🌹manTap Jiwa✌🏻😁😁 Sayang, aku akan ambil itu