Giá Như Cô Ấy Chưa Xuất Hiện(Instrumental Version)

Hãy lắng nghe!

304 9 1

2019-12-12 12:09 iPhone 8 Plus


累计: 0 15

评论 9

  • Amanda 2020-2-19 14:22

    you've got the perfect song

  • Bernardo 2020-3-12 12:02

    I love the way how you sang. I feel the song

  • Quella 2020-3-14 19:31

    your voice is so incredicle

  • Walter 2020-3-14 20:24

    seriously better than the original version

  • Veromca 2020-4-15 14:55

    I luv this song cus of its lyric really appears on my mind

  • Ethen 2020-4-15 18:16

    My goodness... you've got the voice of an Angel

  • Jake 2020-4-23 15:33


  • Myrna 2020-4-23 18:29

    It makes my day

  • Tiffany 2020-4-26 10:21

    You’re the best singer