Prisoner of Love

Alone from night to night youl find me

  • Alone from night to night youl find me
  • Too weak to break the chains that bind me
  • I need no shackles to remind me
Lihat rincian lagu
Hãy lắng nghe bản đơn ca của tôi!

312 6 1

2019-12-30 13:58 HUAWEI Y541-U02

Tangga lagu hadiah

Total: 0 45

Komentar 6

  • Valentino 2020-2-6 11:35

    Just randomly searching for the cover of this song and I'm here

  • Bryant 2020-2-6 20:22

    keep making covers please

  • Ferdinand 2020-3-7 12:36

    Could you teach me how to be a professional singer?

  • Bessie 2020-3-7 21:16

    I like you sing and your voice so clear

  • Emmanuel 2020-6-6 15:58

    If only i could sing as well as you do, then maybe I could be less disappointed in my life

  • Hannah 2020-6-26 18:46

    I will always support you