Those Eyes

When we're out in a crowd

  • When we're out in a crowd
  • Laughing loud and nobody knows why
  • When we're lost at a club getting drunk
  • And you give me that smile
  • Going home in the back of a car
  • And you hand touches mine
  • When we're done making love
  • And you look up and give me those eyes
  • 'Cause all of the small things that you do
  • Are what remind me why I fell for you
  • And when we're apart and I'm missing you
  • I close my eyes and all I see is you
  • And the small things you do
  • When you call me at night
  • While you're out getting high with your friends
  • Every hi every bye every I love you you've ever said
  • 'Cause all of the small things that you do
  • Are what remind me why I fell for you
  • And when we're apart and I'm missing you
  • I close my eyes and all I see is you
  • And the small things you do
  • When we're done making love
  • And you look up and give me those eyes
  • 'Cause all of the small things that you do
  • Are what remind me why I fell for you
  • And when we're apart and I'm missing you
  • I close my eyes and all I see is you
  • And the small things you do
  • All the small things you do
👁️👁️ 👀

20 9 2535

2024-11-18 21:56 OPPOCPH2577


รวม: 0 303

ความเห็น 9

  • .F. & .R. 2024-11-18 22:51

    assalamualaikum kak 🙏🙏. sllu keren duetnya kak 👍👍, salam sehat sukses sllu y kak 🙏🙏

  • 💲⛎💲🅰️♑ 2024-11-21 10:32

    selamat siang Uwuuuu... selalu sehat dn bahagia tuk kita ya Uwuuuu 🤗😘🥰

  • 💲⛎💲🅰️♑ 2024-11-21 10:36

    iya Uwuuuu... kemanapun ku pergi yg ada di mana hanyalah dirimu Uwuuuu 🤭👀👁️

  • 💲⛎💲🅰️♑ 2024-11-21 10:37

    terimakasih untuk duet Duadi yg sedang so suiitt ini ya Uwuuuu... lope lope puuuull 🫶🫶👍👍🤗😘🥰🌹🌹💖💖🎶🎶🎶

  • nena KALANDRA ALHUSAYN 🤍 2024-11-25 17:26

    waalaikumus salam warahmatullahi wa barakatuh dek 🙏 semoga slalu sehat sukses dan bahagia yaaa, Aamiin 🤲🤲

  • nena KALANDRA ALHUSAYN 🤍 2024-11-25 17:26

    Aamiin, sehat dan bahagia slalu kita yaa my lovely 🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰💃💃💃

  • nena KALANDRA ALHUSAYN 🤍 2024-11-25 17:27

    aku jg begitu my lovely, pergi kemanapun kek bgini, bgituu nyampe rumah langsung nyari my lovely di wesing 😍😍😍🫶🫶🫶🫰🫰🫰

  • nena KALANDRA ALHUSAYN 🤍 2024-11-25 17:28

    terima kasih sama sama my lovely 🫶🫶🫶🫰🫰🫰🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘🤍🤍🤍💝💝💝🤍🤍🤍🌺🌺🌺🌹🌹🌹🌺🌺🌺

  • Ryanna S Feronica 2024-11-26 22:26

    sukses yah kk