Lavander's Blue

Lavender's blue dilly dilly lavender's green

  • Lavender's blue dilly dilly lavender's green
  • When you are king dilly dilly I be you queen
  • Who told you so dilly dilly who told you so
  • 'Twas my own heart dilly dilly that told me so
  • Call up your men dilly dilly set them to work
  • Some to the plough dilly dilly some to the fork
  • Some to make hay dilly dilly some to cut corn
  • While you and I dilly dilly keep ourselves warm
  • Lavender's blue dilly dilly lavender's green
  • When you are king dilly dilly I shall be queen
  • Who told you so dilly dilly who told you so
  • 'Twas my own heart dilly dilly that told me so
Let's listen to my solo!

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2022-12-5 19:22 vivo 1920


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