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2022-3-7 23:49 vivo 1938
makasih kak dh bernyanyi bersama pearl dgn sgt baik. 👏👏👏✌☺
be careful in everywhere u go.Take care you healthy.. be fighting to happy life.. i pray a good fr u kak.
sama sama pearl.. maaf ye baru hadir ini 😊🙏 keerreenn selalu 👍👍
thank you very much for your prayers, pearl, with the same words, may you always be healthy and keep the spirit
🤲🤲Aamin. ☺sayang selalu dari pearl untuk kak yudha..always 🤲
siap 😊 thanks pearl.. semangat selalu 😊💪
Kak yudha
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Comments 9
makasih kak dh bernyanyi bersama pearl dgn sgt baik. 👏👏👏✌☺
be careful in everywhere u go.Take care you healthy.. be fighting to happy life.. i pray a good fr u kak.
sama sama pearl.. maaf ye baru hadir ini 😊🙏 keerreenn selalu 👍👍
thank you very much for your prayers, pearl, with the same words, may you always be healthy and keep the spirit
🤲🤲Aamin. ☺sayang selalu dari pearl untuk kak yudha..always 🤲
siap 😊 thanks pearl.. semangat selalu 😊💪
Kak yudha