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2023-6-15 14:40 RealmeRMX1941
wow keren joinnya is the best la. tq y sdh d join 👍👍👍👌👌👌
Waaaaaoooowww keren, terbaek kedua nya 👈👈👈
Ya Tuhan... duett doong yuuu... 😘😘
coverin lagu terus yah! cemungut
I am Anko ,I'm waiting for you on WeSing, download and compete with me now!
Comments 6
wow keren joinnya is the best la. tq y sdh d join 👍👍👍👌👌👌
Waaaaaoooowww keren, terbaek kedua nya 👈👈👈
Ya Tuhan... duett doong yuuu... 😘😘
coverin lagu terus yah! cemungut