Dear John Letter

Dear John oh how I hate to write

  • Dear John oh how I hate to write
  • Dear John I must let you know tonight
  • That my love for you has died away
  • Like grass upon the lawn
  • And tonight I wed another dear John
  • Dear John
  • I was overseas in battle
  • When the postman came to me
  • He handed me a letter
  • And I was just as happy as I could be
  • 'Cause the fighting was all over
  • And the battles have all been won
  • But then I opened up the letter
  • And that started dear John
  • Dear John
  • Won't you please send back
  • My picture my husband wants it now
  • When I tell you who I'm wedding
  • You won't care dear anyhow
  • And it hurts me so to tell you
  • That my love for you has gone
  • But tonight I wed your brother dear John
  • Tonight I wed another dear John
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Good duet! Let's listen.

37 9 1

2021-6-3 15:37


Total: 0 58

Comments 9

  • do-ray-me 2021-6-4 08:33

  • 🎼🎗 Lucies🎗🎼 2021-6-5 13:57


  • 🎤Prechie@6🎤 2021-6-20 01:00

    Nice song🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷

  • 蔡茉莉 2021-7-4 15:18


  • Anne Choo 2021-7-8 10:50

    Thank you, my friend

  • Anne Choo 2021-7-8 10:51

    Thank you, my dear sister

  • Anne Choo 2021-7-8 10:51

    Thank you, dear Pretz

  • Anne Choo 2021-7-8 10:51

    Thank you, dear sister

  • KV 2022-5-9 12:11

    Wow. I luv this presentation.. So amazing..