主打I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing
6 54
6 70
主打Stuck On You
10 74
Jangan Tinggal Daku
5 22
Sorry seems to be the hardest word - Diana Krall
3 24
3 25
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Just The Way You Are
1 23
Kirimkan Kasih Mu
15 37 4
Kau Datang
7 40 3
Belaian Jiwa
3 32 3
Oh Carol
10 38 6
Zapin Budi
9 24 1
Joget Burung Merpati
2 21 1
Kenang Daku Dalam Doamu
5 31 4
10 56 1
粉丝 1468
关注 2500