I Stand In Awe of You

You are beautiful beyond description

  • You are beautiful beyond description
  • Too marvelous for words
  • Too wonderful for comprehension
  • Like nothing ever seen or heard
  • Who can grasp
  • Your infinite wisdom
  • Who can fathom the depth of
  • Your love
  • You are beautiful beyond description
  • Majesty enthroned above
  • And I stand I stand in awe of you
  • I stand I stand in awe of you
  • Holy God to whom all praise is due
  • I stand in awe of you
  • You are beautiful beyond description
  • Too marvelous for words
  • Too wonderful for comprehension
  • Like nothing ever seen or heard
  • Who can grasp
  • Your infinite wisdom
  • Who can fathom the depth of
  • Your love
  • You are beautiful beyond description
  • Majesty enthroned above
  • And I stand I stand in awe of you
  • I stand I stand in awe of you
  • Holy God to whom all praise is due
  • I stand in awe of you
Xem chi tiết bài hát
I stand in awe of you🙌🏻..God bless you 🙏🏻

44 19 2737

2024-10-13 23:04 XiaomiMi A1


Tổng: 1 258

Bình luận 19

  • Apri Tri Saputra 2024-10-13 23:26

    🎺 🎸 🙋‍♀️kerennn...keren👏👏👏👍👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🎤🎶 lg kangen seseorang 💝 💝

  • l30k!® 2024-10-13 23:34

    makasih 🙏🏻 brother ku sudah hadir n support-nya y..q doakan bertemu seseorang yg dicintai 🙏🏻

  • Achmad Dila 2024-10-13 23:47

    mirip sama original

  • l30k!® 2024-10-13 23:53

    makasih 🙏🏻 sudah hadir n support-nya y

  • Any Tamara Siregar 2024-10-19 14:57

    terus berkarya yah! hehehe

  • Adi Gunawan 2024-10-19 15:04

    support terus deh

  • l30k!® 2024-10-19 21:02

    makasih 🙏🏻 sudah hadir n support-nya y

  • l30k!® 2024-10-19 21:02

    makasih 🙏🏻 sudah hadir n support-nya y

  • Hatimah Mah Azzahra 2024-10-23 14:06

    pass banget deh

  • l30k!® 2024-11-8 21:35

    makasih 🙏🏻 sudah hadir n support-nya y